New England Arcade Collector's Forum and New York Arcade Collectors Forum and New England Pinball Collectors Forum

Welcome to the New England Arcade Collectors' Forum (
and the New England Pinball Forum (

This is a private forum for vintage/modern arcade video game
and vintage/modern pinball collectors in the
If you live in New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut,
Massachusetts, or Rhode Island, then this is the place for you!
New York and Canadian members may join by referral only.
Otherwise, please find a local group near you! Thanks.

Member already?: Enter the Forum

How to join:

1. If you live in New England, or have a referral, register for an account by clicking here.

2. After registering, and if everything checks out, your account will be manually activated and usually within 24 hours.

3. Once your account is activated you will have access to the "Introduce Yourself" forum only.

4. After you introduce yourself (tell us your name, where you live, and what you collect) you will be granted full access to the forums.

5. Enjoy!